Your Show Paperwork Has Gone Green!![]() In our effort to reduce, reuse and recycle, we have made all of your show paperwork web friendly, as well as made most of our show items easily ordered and purchased online, Help us Reduce, Reuse and Recycle by clicking on the links provided when ordering your show items.
We sincerely hope this will help reduce paper and maybe even help you when you can't locate the papers that they swore were in their dance bag! Click on the highlighted items below and away you go. Show Packet Letter - Our Fall Show Packet is available for download here. Community Sponsorship - It's that time again; Our Annual Raffle/Silent Auction. We are asking each member to try to get Community Support Ask a local business, to Sponsor KU or provide a new item to donate. Banner Business Ad Community Sponsor Tiers Check out our Banner Ad Letter and print out a few copies and present to a local Business that may be interested in Participating in our Semi-Annual Promotional Banner. Donated item form . (Print and fill this form out and turn in with each donated item), This form makes it so we can place a value and accurately describe each donated item. Easier for your family to donate and item? Please use this Sign-Up genius link sent out to let us know which item you are brining in to add to your favorite themed basket. Advertise- Check out our awesome program advertising opportunities! Purchase your Childs Tribute ad Here. Click program advertising above to see the different options. *** Special ***Full Page Ad 2 tickets & keepsake book $50 Value Pre-order Flowers Use this link and pre-order flowers for you choice of shows. We will have your Roses waiting for you to give to your shining star. Good Luck Lines. Those very special good luck lines mean a lot to the recipients. Fill out the form and pay and we will pass on your note, we promise! Donation Form - As always we are looking for donations either for the show, office, snack bar, etc. Should you need a receipt, click here and you will be able to download the form and fill out for your records. Pictures and Video Order Get your Download or Hard copy of all the shows pictures ( individual and group photos, and or the full production video here all on one swoop. The Video contains a mix of the best of both performances and the Photo download contains all of the pics taken by our awesome photographers, posed shots, class shots and performance shots. |